drink water

Be kind to your kidneys

The kidneys play a behind-the-scenes role in keeping our bodies working and maintaining overall health.

Most people have two kidneys, located on both sides of your spine, just below your rib cage. Kidneys act as a sort of waste disposal system – responsible for cleaning your blood and making urine.1

The kidneys play a number of other roles in the body, such as controlling blood pressure and managing the body’s production of vitamin D – an important vitamin for strong bones and muscles.1

While your kidneys are pretty sufficient on their own, there are ways you can help to take good care of them.1

  • Have your blood pressure checked regularly by 
your doctor or pharmacist
  • Achieve and maintain a healthy weight and lead a healthy, 
active lifestyle

One of the simplest things you can do to help keep up your kidney health is to be conscious about your fluid intake. This includes drinking water, limiting your intake of alcohol and salty or sugary beverages.2

The amount of water you need to drink will vary based on factors such as the climate you live in, whether you have a health condition or are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you are unsure about your individual fluid intake requirements, it’s best to speak with your doctor or pharmacist for more information.2

Fun fact: The food you eat can also contribute to your overall fluid intake. Watermelon and cucumbers are nearly 100% water!2



  1. Kidney Health Australia. What do your kidneys do? Available from:
  2. Kidney Health Australia. Drink water instead. Available from:
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