Itch - healthSAVE Pharmacy

What is the Winter itch?

The winter itch is a common name for generalised itching of the skin during winter caused primarily by dry skin.

Commonly, it’s the summer season when our skin receives a lot of our attention, but the cold, dry air outside and the warm, dry air inside throughout winter months can cause our skin to become dehydrated and may exacerbate some skin conditions.

Steps for skin care this winter

  1. Clear away old skin cells. The clearer the skin, the deeper a moisturiser can penetrate. Exfoliate gently – a soft scrub is all you need.
  2. Moisturise daily. Use thick, heavy moisturiser: these have more staying power and keep water from evaporating from your skin.
  3. Clean the right way. Avoid long, hot showers and baths; choose non-scented, mild cleansers or soap-free products; apply moisturiser immediately after washing
  4. Maintain a dry-skin diet. Drink plenty of fluids and eat food rich in essential fatty acids (e.g. omega-3) to help maintain your skins natural, moisture-retaining oil barrier.
  5. Speak to your local community pharmacist. They can advise you on suitable moisturisers and vitamins for your specific skin needs.


Did you know?

It’s important to take extra care of your skin throughout the winter months as the environmental factors that contribute to dry skin can be worse during this time.

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